Sand Castle Realities?

Since realizing how cleverly we’ve been hoodwinked into believing a false American history narrative, I started probing some places that  puzzled me during my travels (like the Alamo, the Watergate and the Smithsonian) and saw the official story crumble like a sand castle in the surf.

Then I began studying unexplained sky phenomenon for my Chicken Little Conundrum blog and consequently discovered the layers of hidden activity right under our unsuspecting feet that resulted in my World(s) Under Our World research.

I’ve also been following the Dark Journalist’s  unfolding revelations that the consciousness-altering X-Technology of the Ancients is the BIG SECRET that has been kept from the public by everyone from the Mystery Schools to the Freemasons to the current administration.

Armed with this new information, I’ve decided to tackle a bizarre experience I had while living in the last place I ever expected to love, the San Luis Valley (SLV) in Southeastern Colorado.

Joyful Journey Hot Springs - Salida | Colorado Hot Springs

View from Joyful Journey Hot Springs

Ironically, I had driven down the ridiculously straight Highway 17 through the Valley a few years before when I was still in “corporate mode.”

I found it dismal beyond belief and wondered what horrid twist of fate would send someone to live in that wasteland.

Highway 17…desolation deluxe

Well, shortly after that trip I made one of those life-changing decisions to reject the 8-5 grind and see what happened next.

Consequently, I joined a spiritual community which eventually moved to Crestone, Colorado — which is about 15 miles east of Highway 17.

Imagine my surprise when I realized this was the same area I had been repulsed by just a few years before!

Isn’t life funny that way?

Since Crestone is not on the way to anywhere, you gotta drive all the way to the end of Country Road T to find this humble but lively high-desert community tucked into the skirts of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.

Instead of the down-on-their-luck castoffs I had presumed lived in those windblown trailers and makeshift houses I glimpsed from Highway 17, I encountered some pretty enlightened folk with inventive homes who felt lucky to live in this sacred place.05

Although the official population of Crestone is only around 100 people, there are many outlying residents in the Baca who frequent the town since it’s over an hour’s drive to another shopping area.

Along with all the visitors attending workshops and such, it’s a surprisingly busy place with a couple of top-notch art galleries, health food stores and restaurants.

Plus the locals never miss a chance to have a parade, street fair, community picnic or music festival!

Crestone Music Festival

Certainly the only town I’ve lived in with a “Free Box” (now a covered shelter) created by residents who believe one man’s trash is another man’s treasure!

By far the most fascinating aspect of Crestone, however, is that it is home to a couple of dozen individual spiritual communities, thanks to a prophecy that inspired Hanne Strong — wife of Maurice Strong (the Canadian oil baron/environmentalist) — to provide free land to any worthwhile “Utopian” enterprises.

Manitou foundation_history_side_1

Hanne Strong at the local Ziggarut with Crestone Inhabitants

Tibetans especially love this region because the Sangre de Cristo mountain range reminds them of the Himalayas, complete with a miniature Mount Everest!

In fact, Crestone Peak is often used as a training ground for prospective Everest climbers.

Crestone Peak

In 1996, the Tibetans consecrated this magnificent stupa, the Karma Thegsum Tashi Gomang (Many Auspicious Gateways), above Crestone  positioned to catch the last rays of the sunset — sometimes flooding the valley in a momentary golden glow.

I soon learned that the San Luis Valley has long been considered sacred ground to all the local tribes.

They would put away their weapons before descending from the mountains and abstain from quarrelsome behaviors while there. No permanent settlements were allowed, the land was reserved for ceremony.

Native folklore explains that the SLV holds the hidden entrance to their sipapu,  an underground complex where their ancestors escaped from previous earth cataclysms and were cared for by the Ant People until they could return to the surface generations later.

Hopi prophecy tells that when the Blue Star Kachina appears in the sky, the “good people” will once again be invited to enter this sanctuary to escape the next Purification.

Dinosaur National Monument Petroglyphs | William Horton ...

Ants played a crucial role in the survival of the ancient Hopi. The Ant People’s great kiva provided sanctuary during both the destruction of the First World, or First Era, by fire (volcanism or asteroids) and the Second World by ice (glaciers).

Although the Ant People may be legendary, the case of bi-location that occurred in the SLV during the 17th century is rigorously documented.

It concerns the Blue Nun, María Jesus de Ágreda, a Spanish lady of a noble house who became enraptured with religious experiences.

Her devout practices culminated in her laying prostrate (sometimes levitating!) for days on the chapel floor at the Poor Clares’ Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Ágreda, Spain.

Turns out that during these episodes the Sister would physically appear to the native tribes in the San Luis Valley and preach the gospel, even teaching them how to make and use rosary beads!

These beads were later presented to the Spanish clergy as proof of her ministry and consequently saved her from the Inquisition which doubted her claims.

An interesting side note, in the late 1800’s there was a rogue Catholic mission on the west side of the Valley called the Hermanos Penitentes who practiced public self-flagellation to atone for their sins.

One of their bizarre projects was to hang from ropes over a cliff so they could paint the likeness of the Blue Nun on this rock face.


 Guess it’s no surprise that the SLV is a hot spot for paranormal activity?

From UFOs to Black Triangles, Bigfoot sightings to secret portals, lost time episodes to animal mutilations (including Snippy the Horse) — it’s got them all!

Paranormal researcher Christopher O’Brien has documented many instances of the supernatural activity in his series of books on the SLV.

[The] San Luis Valley (“SLV”)—is one of North America’s premier hot spot locations. Hot spot regions are veritable magnets for reports of paranormal events, but unfortunately, any attempt to define what constitutes a truly “paranormal” event is wrought with perilous philosophic and scientific challenges, and a lack of hard, scientific data.

Stories of witches, skinwalkers, devils, thunderbirds, ghosts, elementals and spooklights have been told here for generations, and prior to my arrival, knowledge of past reports of unexplained activity had not traveled out into the mainstream beyond the valley. When I moved here in 1989 little did I realize that I would spend the better part of the next fifteen years investigating, researching and documenting around a thousand unusual events—all occurring within the well-defined confines of this specific regional Petri dish.

Granted, the combination of  the 7,000+ ft altitude, sparse population and lack of light pollution makes for some spectacular night time skies in the Valley.

So I guess it’s also no surprise that a top tourist attraction in the SLV is the UFO Watchtower, Giftshop and Campground.

I kid you not!

I mean, it is on the 37th Parallel, rumored to be America’s Paranormal Highway!

But to me, the weirdest feature of the SLV is the Great Sand Dunes National Monument — a 30 square mile “sandbox” piled up to 750 feet high against the feet of the Sangre de Cristos.

The quackademics claim it was all formed by some quirky wind currents.

Sure. Whatever.

The dunes were named  Saa waap maa nache (sand that moves) by the Utes and the Jicarilla Apaches called the dunes Sei-anyedi (it goes up and down).

The dune field lies beside Blanca Peak, the easternmost of the four sacred mountains of the Navajo, who call her “Sisnaajini,

The Holy People dressed Sisnaajiní with a perfect white shell for positive thoughts and thinking.

Then the Holy People ran a bolt of lighting through a sacred mountain to fasten the East mountain to our Mother Earth.

Blanca Peak without snow

Since I found the SLV so fascinating, I sought out jobs that allowed me to drive around the region. Must admit I never saw a single UFO, Bigfoot or Skinwalker (but plenty of military aircraft).

I did, however, have a decidedly paranormal experience in the Valley which I have pondered ever since.

It happened on a lonely little side road skirting the Great Sand Dunes that passes the sad little remnant of a once mighty lake. It runs straight as an arrow and rarely has any traffic, so it was a nice easy drive after dealing with trucks and tourists on the highway all day.

So I was cruising along near the lake in fine weather, sober as a judge, when I felt a funny sensation and then everything around me suddenly changed.

Hard to describe, but it seemed the entire landscape “came alive” and the road was the only remotely solid thing I could see. Everything else was fluctuating — like the land had become fluid and the sky was an ocean full of tiny single-cell looking creatures visible only as rainbow flashes but thick as minnows in a pond.

The sensation was definitely hallucinatory in nature, but I was perfectly lucid and able to rationally assess what was happening.

The car continued driving just fine, so I was pretty sure this wasn’t an “alien abduction” scenario. I was not frightened, but did feel a bit enchanted and excited to be witnessing such a marvel.

The event lasted a few minutes and I only traveled a couple of miles along the road during the episode.

Suddenly, it was over and I was back in our solid world.


At the time I could only imagine that I had driven through some kind of “portal” but that didn’t really hold up since I drove that road many times and only had the one experience.

Besides, I wasn’t transported anywhere and didn’t enter another dimension, I just witnessed a momentary distortion in our reality field.

The experience did arouse my interest in Star Gates and I began investigating suspicious ancient sites and speculating where there might be modern portals — which prompted me to start this blog in the first place to share all the wild evidence I was finding!

Then I came across Daniel Liszt (the Dark Journalist) and his hard evidence about the covert use of X-Tech which creates what he calls the “Apotheum Effect” that distorts reality.

According to his theory, the whole UFO cover-up nonsense is about hiding this X-Tech from the public while they try to control these inevitable mind-bending side effects so they can dazzle us with their “new” technology.

His descriptions of the Apotheum effect (common in the Bermuda Triangle cases) reminded me of my SLV experience and started me wondering what might be underneath all that sand, especially since I now suspect the area was subjected to the relatively recent North American Mudflood.

When I looked into the D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) in my World(s) Under Our World research, I came across this strange hand-drawn map showing some of these facilities.

Sure enough, roughly under Mt. Blanca is a underground base designated as a COG (Continuation of Government?) with shuttle tunnels leading south, one ending in Taos.


Ever hear of the Taos Hum?

The Taos Hum is perhaps the most famous of the “Hum Phenomenon” that is experienced in various locations around the world. In brief, a “hum” appears to be a low frequency sound with a rhythmic pulse to it. Many of the people that have claimed to hear or suffer from this humming have apparently claimed that it sounds like a “far away diesel engine”. It’s named after the town of Taos in New Mexico where it is claimed that it is quite common to hear it.

In fact, it was so common that the good citizens and sufferers banded together in 1993 and petitioned the American Congress to investigate the source of this annoyance. In 1997 Congress did direct a dozen or more scientists and researchers from some of the most recognized institutions in the country to investigate. One reason for this was the allegation that the Taos Hum was possibly the result of military activity – covert or otherwise. A side effect of this allegation was that the inquiry was conducted openly and involved a large number of people.

Pretty sure all the underground complexes getting tunneled out could well account for the mysterious hum residents have documented!

I mean, right in the neighborhood is Cheyenne Mountain, the one they love to brag about and work into their Star Gate shows!

Not to mention the ones they don’t like to talk about, like Dulce Base, the underground facility where grey aliens (ant people?) and military personnel co-exist (not always peacefully).

So adding DJ’s information about the Apotheum effect to the data about huge underground complexes around the SLV makes me wonder…

Did I drive over a subterranean facility while the Black Ops Bunch was down there playing with their reverse engineered X-Tech?

The “I Wanna Be A Wizard” Syndrome

If so, this means the modern UFO sightings, animal mutilations and missing time episodes reported in the Valley could be explained as the result of some government (or private) secret testing and/or psy-op programs.

The fact that the SLV is still so sparsely populated (and so near other military bases) makes it an ideal place to hold covert operations.

Ada Florescu visited the SLV and talked with UFO Watchtower owner Judy Messoline (who wrote That Crazy Lady Down The Road) about her experiences with suspicious black helicopters she observes going into Blanca Peak.

But what if all this secret military activity is BECAUSE there IS a dimensional “doorway” near the Sand Dunes?

Has the sacred nature of the San Luis Valley been preserved from ancient times to modern day precisely to attract the kind of people who can access the portal during earth-changing catastrophes?

These words were spoken by Sotuknang at the beginning of the Fourth World:

“See,” said Sotuknang, “I have washed away even the footprints of your Emergence; the stepping-stones which I left for you. Down on the bottom of the seas lie all the proud cities, the flying patuwvotas [shields], and the worldly treasures corrupted with evil, and those people who found no time to sing the praises to the Creator from the tops of their hills. But the day will come, if you preserve the memory and the meaning of your Emergence, when these stepping-stones will emerge again to prove the truth you speak.”

If that’s the case, the San Luis Valley could well be the most important place on earth!

More research into the secrets lying hidden under the sand at:

The Mudflood, Queen Califia and the Gold Rush 

The Lost Civilizations of North America

~ by weewarrior on February 21, 2020.

7 Responses to “Sand Castle Realities?”

  1. […] from radical earth changes by the subterranean Ant People who created an entrance somewhere in the San Luis Valley of Colorado that will again open when the Blue Star Kachina […]

  2. I love that valley too! Only a few hours away!
    Never witnessed any phenomena, but some nice hikes over there and fun live music at Crestone. Finally did the Dunes last year. And the alligator and other critters exhibit.
    Good times!

    • Most excellent! Have you made it to Penitente Canyon? That’s where the Blue Nun is painted on the wall. I haven’t been myself but the pics are fascinating, I suspect something important was covered up there. Plus, it is hard to access — which makes me even more curious!

      • We hiked through it last summer, but weren’t aware of the “Blue Nun”. Funny, figures into Peter Moon’s work as well…
        Me and the dog got ahead of my wife and friend near the end and we went the wrong way a bit. Sat and waited a little, figured it out and caught back up. It was right at the end. You can get turned around and disoriented easily because of the landscape. Cool arch over there too, but not much hiking around it. The wind is incredible when you get up to it.
        Lots to look into around turn of century. New book out by Waggoner about “LC” and his Victorian photography. Curiouser and curiouser…

      • Hmmm…are you saying the Penitente Canyon comes up in Peter Moon’s books about the Montauk experiment? I’ve driven through there but didn’t go exploring, now I’m regretting that. I did look at it on Google Map and my first thought was how easy it would be to get lost in that rock maze! It’s a huge formation!

        So, I would love to see that Waggoner book, ole LC had lots of tricks up his sleeve!

        Have you made it to my White Rabbits and Stargates blog yet? Even though it’s one of my earlier blogs, It goes even further down the rabbit hole!

  3. Excellent job summarizing (some of my on-going) 30 years of San Luis Valley research. 🙂 Here is the link to my 70 suggested places of note in the SLV:

    • Hey Christopher! Thanks for the link to your map and for stopping by my blog on the SLV. Glad you liked it!

      In fact, when I first moved to Crestone in the late 90’s I worked at the Desert Sands restaurant where you a rather regular guest — I distinctly remember your hat!!!

      Anyway, I overheard you talking about your books which I quickly acquired. They were handy resources into the many mysterious features of my new home.

      So thank you very much for the inspiration, your publications launched my fascination with the SLV!

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